キングダムクラッシュ - 戦略ゲーム Mod Apk

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カテゴリー: ストラテジー
価格: 無料です


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王国の自由のために戦う壮大な戦略バトルに参加する準備はできていますか? 王国間の残酷な戦争に巻き込まれた中世の王国への旅に乗り出しましょう! Kingdom Clash の壮大な戦争戦略ゲームをプレイして、すべての戦いに勝利しましょう!


この陸軍戦闘シミュレーター戦略では、中世の戦士やアンデッドの生き物からなる敵の軍隊と戦うために、戦闘アリーナに兵士ユニットを配置する必要があります。 戦士をマージ、アップグレードしてアリーナに配置する必要があります。 戦争戦術を改善し、戦闘軍団の能力、敵の軍事力、地図の状況に基づいて賢明な戦略的決定を下しましょう。 戦争の芸術はあなたが思っているよりもはるかに難しいです!


古代の悪が目覚めた! 強力な生き物を倒し、土地を解放できるのはあなただけです! 軍隊を危険な隠れ家に導き、戦闘戦争シミュレーター ゲームで軍隊を失敗させないでください!


軍団戦争の英雄を収集、統合、アップグレードして、すべての中世の戦いに勝利しましょう。 ランサー、爆撃機、パラディン、アーチャー、その他数十の部隊があなたのために戦う準備ができています、指揮官! すべての戦士のロックを解除してレベルアップし、「Kingdom Clash」の世界で最強の軍隊を作り上げましょう!


伝説のヒーローを強力なチームに集めて、敵とより速く戦いましょう! すべてのキャラクターは、軍団を勝利に導くことができる独自のスキルと能力を持っています。


武装した戦士から血に飢えたアンデッドまで、さまざまな危険な敵と戦いましょう! 独自の戦闘戦略を磨き、それぞれの敵を倒しましょう! あなたの王国の無敵の守護者になろう!


レギオンズ バトル シミュレーター ストラテジーをインストールし、3D バトル アリーナで敵軍と戦います。 乾燥した砂漠、凍った土地、緑の森、その他の巧妙に設計された戦場が、壮大な戦いの始まりを待っています。 さらに多くの場所が近日公開予定です。


要塞の包囲と防御の両方に備えてください。 中世の戦場の状況に応じて、さまざまな戦術を考えて適用してください。

バトルゲームや戦争戦略ゲームのファンなら、「Kingdom Clash」タクティカルバトルシミュレーター戦争戦略をきっと気に入るでしょう!

戦略的な王国戦争の軍司令官になる準備はできていますか? この偉大な古代バトル シミュレーター ストラテジー ゲームで土地を守り、王国の真のチャンピオンになろう! 今すぐ無料でキングダム クラッシュ バトル ストラテジーをプレイしてください!

ゲーム コミュニティ:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KingdomClashAzurGames
インスタグラム: https://www.instagram.com/kingdom_clash_game
ディスコード: https://discord.gg/9dK2yT2cFb


Introducing a new faction of Dreads!
Brutallus the Terrorbringer – a warrior spreading panic and chaos on the battlefield.
Herald of Flame Harkon – fire mage whose relentless pursuit of power knows no bounds.
Fire Fury Xana – a meteor summoner capable of turning the battlefield into a literal hell.
We have also adjusted the requirements for leveling up high-ranking heroes, reworked boss battles, and fixed numerous bugs to provide you with the best possible gaming experience.
Introducing a new faction of Dreads!
Brutallus the Terrorbringer – a warrior spreading panic and chaos on the battlefield.
Herald of Flame Harkon – fire mage whose relentless pursuit of power knows no bounds.
Fire Fury Xana – a meteor summoner capable of turning the battlefield into a literal hell.
We have also adjusted the requirements for leveling up high-ranking heroes, reworked boss battles, and fixed numerous bugs to provide you with the best possible gaming experience.
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Meet the Elevates faction — angels embodying order and justice:
Unyielding Rimus — a hero whose abilities will help your army endure the onslaught of the fiercest bosses.
Hand of Vengeance Atreya — an archer capable of radically turning the tide of battle with her devastating skills.
Celestial Healer Сalyra — a lightkeeper who can restore critically wounded allies.
We’ve also fixed numerous bugs to ensure a smoother gameplay experience.
Meet the Elevates faction — angels embodying order and justice:
Unyielding Rimus — a hero whose abilities will help your army endure the onslaught of the fiercest bosses.
Hand of Vengeance Atreya — an archer capable of radically turning the tide of battle with her devastating skills.
Celestial Healer Сalyra — a lightkeeper who can restore critically wounded allies.
We’ve also fixed numerous bugs to ensure a smoother gameplay experience.
Introducing the new in-game event — Clan Clashes! Fight, win, upgrade your clan, and unlock unique privileges that will greatly enhance your army.
Meet the new hero who will help unlock the full potential of "tank" role squads: Inquisitor Duran!
The clan interface has also been updated: it's now more informative and user-friendly. You can now unban players and exclude participants without banning them. Additionally, we've fixed many minor bugs and technical issues..
UCM module integrated. Game performance improvements.
Bug fixes.
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
A poisonous threat has descended on the kingdom... Call your strongest warriors and go to battle with the new boss – The Spider Queen!
We tried to make your game experience even more enjoyable, so we added a visual design of the Lobby for each hero faction.
We also fixed minor technical flaws and bugs.
Welcome the new game feature – Clan Rewards! Complete the quests, and your clan will get great rewards!
We added a new Necropolis style for the main lobby and battlefield. Complete the campaign levels to unlock and try it out!
We also tried to make your game even more enjoyable, so we made a large-scale improvement in the game balance, improved the game performance, and fixed bugs.
Game balance improvements
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
The long-awaited Clans are now available! Hurry up to upgrade the game and create your own clan where you can talk to like-minded players, share your experience with newcomers, and receive clan rewards!
New Temple of Fusion mode: here you can get a troop with a higher rarity by fusing several troops of the same rarity!
Added new Magic Forest skin for the lobby and battlefield – play the campaign levels to unlock and try it out!
Troops: Lava Golem and Sorcerer's Apprentices
New Conquests chapter in release!
Hurry up to conquer new territories and besiege enemy castles!
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
A long-awaited mode with Boss is finally available! Gather your troops and join the battle with this fearsome monster!
Saving Formations added – now you can save several armies and quickly change them for the mode you need.
We've introduced a promo code system with valuable rewards – go to our Discord channel and get them!
Bug fixes & other technical improvements.
New content update is out now!
Troops and heroes with new mechanics that will significantly change your tactics of fighting – get and try them out on the battlefield!
Troops: Cursed Catapult, Battle Golems, Explosive Spiders, Headless, Magic Archers.
Heroes: Edelina, Queen of the Forest; Isabella the Warrior, Vengar, Grim Arbalister; Charon the Blazing, The Bone Dragon.
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
The Expeditions mode is finally available! Send your heroes on missions to the lands of Humans, Undead, and Mages to earn extra gold and get new units!
Added Google Play authorization. Now you can play from the same account on different devices!
Changed the reward system in the Arena mode. Now you can earn x2 gold for enemy units!
Added push notifications.
Game performance improvements
Bug fixes
Welcome new troops & heroes!
Bone Warrior. The undead army's melee soldier
Bone Spearthrower. The undead army's archer
Monk. Summons the spirit after death
Bonebreaker. Increases damage with each new hit
Shaman. Attacks enemies with chain lightning, and the most annoying ones they turn into sheep
Chieftain Vlaston. Hero with a hammer stunning opponents and dealing AOE damage
Ophelia the Spellcaster. Ranged hero shooting energy beams and summoning a spirit demon in dangerous situations

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