League of Masters: Auto Chess Mod Apk

League of Masters: Auto Chess ハック - Mod Apk 0.19.9160

開発者: ActionPay
カテゴリー: ストラテジー
価格: 無料です


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PvE キャンペーンモードでオートバトラーリーグオブマスターズの世界を探索し、混沌に対する十字軍に参加し、バトルチームの新しい仲間と一緒に戦場に飛び込みましょう!戦略ゲームで戦術を強化し、敵を倒し、世界を悪から救うためのユニークな能力を持つ 12 人の司令官と 50 人以上の戦闘機がいます。

冒険、派手な戦い、壮大な衝突に飛び込む準備をしてください!PvE キャンペーンだけでなく、敵の城を襲撃したり、ソロ飛行を楽しんだり、バトルアリーナで PvP チームの戦いに参加したりできます。



The new update is already in the game!
- The Mystery Box Event: Until February 9, discount loot boxes are available in the Fortune’s Caskets section. Diamonds and gift cards from their sales will reward the winners of the Commanders Ratings.
- Gift card exchange is available there.
- Anariel’s new ability.
- Various technical improvements and bug fixes.
Various technical improvements and bug fixes.
New Year Special!
- New Year event is waiting
- Daily New Year gifts in the game and a special offer in the Bank
- Subscriptions can now also be bought not only with gift cards
- New ability ‘’Feigned Death‘’, which can be gained in the drop or obtained in the start of battle window
- Other technical and bug fixes.
Black Friday's special!
- New offers appeared in the Bank.
- Players can bless themselves and double their rating change in the start of battle window.
- Comics were translated into new languages.
- Subscription's bonuses are now working for Arena battles.
- The tutorial was expanded.
- Other technical and bug fixes.
- Various technical improvements and bug fixes.

ハッキング方法 League of Masters: Auto Chess

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